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The worlds most important after school club


How it started…

Prior to Covid lockdown, we were in the final stages of setting up BIFKiDS After School Club. As lockdown came into force in London, coupled with a rise in remote connection, we took BIFKiDS onto Zoom to prototype virtual creative problem-solving.
It went down a charm for both parents and kids.

BIFKiDS Has been a lifeline during lockdown. My daughter is an only child and though she has access to Zoom / FaceTime chats she has found these make her feel sad, angry, isolated and more lonely. BIFKiDS has offered a fizz of anticipation, provided topical challenges, developed focus, given a sense of achievement, found solutions to a variety of problems, brought topics to discuss and develop beyond sessions and given a genuine sense of companionship with fellow BIFfers. (I feel a T-shirt or patch coming on..)

After each session we both feel happier; the positive feelings resonate deeply in both of us. I’ve been amazed by the creativity and problem solving abilities of all the children which is drawn out by Matt and his unique delivery of the sessions. These are never overwhelming or intimidating - and he is presenting really gritty problems to very young people. Matt’s engagement fills the kids with confidence and helps them to know their ideas are valuable and their thoughts are important. The sessions have helped me to be less rigid about completing home learning content supplied by school, as BIFKiDS has shown me how resourceful my daughter can be and how empowering that is for her. To quote my daughter “I wish school was like this” - I completely agree! Of course we wish we could continue BIFKiDS beyond Covid-19 - there will be a solution to this as it’s all in a days work for these ideas kids
— Claire, London. Mother to Amélie (7 years)

Now down in relatively Covid free New Zealand, we’re in the process of rebooting BIFKiDS After School club but finding ways to incorporate Zoom style for broader reach and impact.



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